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An automated patent search

DorothyAI — a promising legal services startup — had developed a powerful AI for searching the massive U.S. patent database using natural language processing. Truefit helped them by identifying user needs and building an engaging product experience capable of driving user adoption and business growth.

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Truefit worked with DorothyAI to define the extent of their initial release of their SaaS-applicaton for patent attorneys and help them bring it to market quickly. In addition to integrating their innovative core search technology, attorneys would need workflows for creating projects, queuing searches, refining and saving search results, and sharing results with their clients in a secure manner.

Responsive web application
Integration with their proprietary APIs
Quality testing for multiple devices
User interviews to understand needs
User interface design
Usability testing with attorneys

Delivering customer value that creates business impact

Desired business outcomes
  • Bring a new product and brand to market
  • Establish sales revenue from new Saas platform subscriptions
  • Demonstrably reduce costs for law firms to run patent searches
  • Increase value of IP by refining AI through real usage
User benefits
  • Easy to set up and organize data in projects
  • Secure authentication and sharing of materials with clients
  • Much easier to initiate searches (eliminate complex boolean inputs)
  • More accurate search results based on matching language/phrasing
  • Clear, easy-to-read and scan, structured search results


Attracted new clients

Increased search volume

Reduced time to discover relevant patents

Attracted follow on funding?

"From our perspective, we couldn’t have asked for anything more." — Curtis Wadsworth, Founder and CEO

Product Details

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Dorthy Product Card 2
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How we did it


We learned about their product vision, business domain, technology capabilities, and tech requirements.

Understand user needs

We interviewed patent attorneys, paralegals, and subject matter experts to identify user needs, motivations, and pains associated with different types of patent searches using current solutions.

Market research

We closely studied competing offer ings and experiences and other product design trends.

Product strategy and principles

We defined and prioritized problems to solve for users based on risk and imporance. The team identified experience principles from our insights to guide our design and development efforts.

Design foundations

We collaborated as a team to define information architecture, content models, and key workflows for each feature. As design patterns started to emerge we explored visual UI style options that reinforced their new brand.


We identified key use case scenarios and user flows for testing with users. We created interactive design prototypes.

Usability testing

We conducted qualitative usability interviews with various practitioners to gain insight to usability, understanding, and conceptual alignment. The testing revealed many valuable insights for improvement in the build.

System architecture

We defined the system components and data endpoints for an integration with their AI and the US patent database. We tested search efficiency and return times which could take enough time that searches had to be queued.

Release planning

We collaborated with our client to build a backlog and plan the build of the software in a way that met the key milestones needed to get to market.

Build, build, build!

We designed, coded, and tested on a weekly basis until we were feature complete for the first release.

Prepare for launch

Once the app was complete and fully QA tested, we assisted our client in deploying the software on their production servers. The launch was a success and we helped transition their code and all production assets to their internal team.

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