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We are building excellent teams, impactful software, and successful businesses
to be a catalyst for the common good.

Mosaic of Truefit team members and experiences like team parties and conferences.

We believe great software
helps people thrive.

Truly excellent teams are about more than their elite skills and performance.

We believe that great software can change the world for the better.

Building a successful software company is as important as building a great software product.

Encouraging flourishing communities working together to serve the common good.

Our values

  • Grounded in a Christian worldview
  • Do what is right regardless of the cost
  • Have absolute integrity and honesty
  • Strive for excellence
  • Hold each other accountable
  • Generate the best ideas by building diverse teams with a common purpose
  • Work cooperatively with our customers to deliver solutions that precisely fit their needs
  • Create a culture of trust that encourages creativity and an open exchange of ideas.
  • Be entrepreneurial, innovative, and open to new opportunities
  • Seek feedback and build consensus
  • Provide solutions that meet or exceed the expectations of our customers
  • Challenge and develop our employees, enabling each of them to make a significant contribution
  • Develop a culture of shared, servant leadership
  • Provide the opportunity for all employees to share in the success of the company
Serving the common good
  • Think beyond ourselves and make a difference for the good of the community
  • Invest our energy and resources to advance truth, beauty, and goodness
  • Promote a healthy work-life balance and foster family unity
  • Encourage healthy living
  • Keep it fun

Come work with us

Available Positions

Product Owner

As a Truefit Product Owner you'll have the opportunity to help both early and growth stage companies bring great products to market.  You'll collaborate with our clients to help them build compelling product visions and then refine those visions into a rich backlog that our product team can execute ...all while helping to grow and nurture Truefit’s high-performing agile practice.

Interested? View Job Description

People are at the center of our work

Filter by last name:
Allyssa Batten
Allyssa Batten Engineering
John Beck
John Beck Design
Scott Beilke
Scott Beilke Operations
Chris Constantino
Chris Constantino Engineering
Sara Fleeger
Sara Fleeger Operations
Kelli Fleming
Kelli Fleming Quality Assurance
Jeff Fletcher
Jeff Fletcher Quality Assurance
Beka Garard
Beka Garard Product Management
Darrin Grove
Darrin Grove Founder and CEO
Tyler Grove
Tyler Grove Operations
Frank Hajduk
Frank Hajduk Finance
Steve Jacobs
Steve Jacobs Engineering
Ben Joos
Ben Joos Design
Noah Ketterman
Noah Ketterman Product Management
Julie Kirkton
Julie Kirkton Quality Assurance
Jess Marchesiello
Jess Marchesiello Product Management
Dave Mateer
Dave Mateer Engineering
Dylin Maust
Dylin Maust Engineering
Tyler Meduho
Tyler Meduho Engineering
Michael Olive
Michael Olive Business Development
Tom Persinger
Tom Persinger Product Management
Eric Peterson
Eric Peterson Engineering
Ayla Reith
Ayla Reith Design
Zack Rheott
Zack Rheott Engineering
Corey Rocchio
Corey Rocchio Engineering
Eric Sakmar
Eric Sakmar Engineering
Aaron Sales
Aaron Sales Design
Ryan Seipp
Ryan Seipp Engineering
Alex Stevens
Alex Stevens Engineering
Emily Wadsworth
Emily Wadsworth Quality Assurance
Jackie Watts
Jackie Watts Design

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